Squawk Box

Squawk Box


If they squawk about the food send the Squawk Box! This is a great box for people who love chickens, which is us and we know there are some of you out there. Box contains ;

A set of TWO 100% cotton dish towels screen printed with art by cheese maker Vi Huu Wood and farm friend Amanda Haar.

Choose blue or red towels.

A little crochet chicken by Dahlia Wood Designs. (Chicken colors vary.)

A However Wild Farmhouse Pillar, 100% beeswax.

one of our organic cotton ‘Life’s a Chicken Deal’ T shirts can easily be added to this box or if you would like to exchange the towels for a t shirt, continue to check out and write us a note specifying the size T shirt you would like to substitute.

Baawk Baawk bawk. Berle Farm

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