Order a full wheel here!

Order a full wheel here!


Gathering around a full wheel is makings for tradition. Cut the cheese with your friends and family! Everyone can try it and instantly you have gift for everyone. Cutting a full wheel is a ceremony that bring s on laughter joy and good times. It does involve sharp knives and a bit of culinary now how to get it wrapped and cut so this gift is best for yourself or the real foodies on your list. We will mail a whole wheel of organic cheese anywhere in the US. The cheese is made at Berle Farm, with milk from our cows and aged in our cellar. The wheels vary in weight between 10 and 13 pounds There are three kinds. BerleBerg Haymakers and ShortRound.

If you need a specific shipping date please send us a note art check out. Also if you want us to cut and vacuum wedges let us know your preferred wedge size and we will send the full wheel in cut form.

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